Domestic violence hotline FBELGIN – Despite Gov. Pritzker’s Stay at Home Order and the closure of many places of business, domestic violence shelters and hotlines remain operational and continue to provide help. State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin) is urging those who need that help to seek it.

“During the Stay at Home order, it may seem more difficult or even impossible to escape a domestic violence situation, but I promise you that is not the case,” Castro said. “Even though it’s recommended that we stay inside, and even though public safety is a top priority, there is help available to individuals suffering from domestic violence. I urge you to seek that help if you or someone you know needs it.”

A recent report by the Daily Herald found that despite a 7% decrease in calls for police service during the Stay at Home Order, calls for domestic battery saw a 47% increase in Elgin between March 21 and March 30, compared to the same time frame last year. Castro stressed the importance of reaching out and taking advantage of the help that is available.

“We understand people are spending a lot more time with their spouses and partners while staying at home, but that does not justify domestic violence,” Castro said. “The help is and will remain available if you need it, so please reach out.”

If you or someone you know needs help dealing with domestic violence, call 877-TO END DV (877-863-6338) at any time.